I recently watched a movie (unfortunately I don't remember the name) about a man who is accidentally brought to the present from the 1800's. The man from the past, who was understandably lost in the modern world, met a young women who he fell in love with. (the makings of a "great" romance). This women was definitely a modern women, she had just gotten out of a long relationship with a buffoon of a man and she had little patience for this "weirdo" from out of town. She convinced herself that he was just an actor playing a part in preparation for some sort of role but she could not help but fall in love with him. To make a long story short, the man went back to his own time and the women found a way to follow. They got married and it's understood they lived happily ever after...the end.
200 years ago how the man from the movie acted wouldn't have been so romantic to a women. 200 years ago, manners and the art of wooing a woman wasn't unheard of in a man. I'm not blaming this romantic tragedy on men alone; if women demanded men to be the gallant hero's of centuries ago maybe things would be just as romantic now.
But is that what women want? We fought to be equal and we started the feminist movement...or a large number of us did. Most men didn't want any part in it. They were happy bringing home the money while we women did the cooking and cleaning (both things I'm happy men now do too...). But women weren't happy so they fought for the right to be equal! Which I couldn't be happier about!
However, seeing as women fought to be equal does that mean that the romantic era is over?
Unfortunately, it seems to mean exactly that. Because women fought to be equal to the point where some females will cause a scene over having a door opened for them or a chair pulled out when they go to sit down. What's wrong with that? If a guy is willing to pull out your chair or hold open a door for you, let him! There are still women in the world wanting that chivalry.
Men will use all the "old fashion" politeness to their advantage now. Many women feel that when a dude holds open a door or pulls out a chair their expecting some action later. Which is true in some cases which is awful because sometimes the boy was just brought up to be polite.
It says in the bible that men and women are equal. Eve was made from Adam. They were equal in the eyes of God which is all that matters really. The bible does say that the man is the head of the house hold though. He should be the one providing for his wife and kids. It's his responsibility to take care of the household. It also says that it's the man's job to make the decisions. Before anyone gets upset, the bible says that though the man makes the decisions he is to confide in his wife! No decision (no serious or big decision) was to be made without talking to the wife; the final say was given by the man though. Which I think is fair, then it's the guys fault if something goes wrong. :)
Nowhere in the bible are men made to be better than women, or vice versa.
I think romantics should still be a part of life. I would love to have a dude take me off into the sunset or dance with me under the stars. Even just tell me he loves me out of the blue. Nothing too crazy lovey. But, and I'm just guessing, I'm sure guys like it when their girlfriend or wife brings them coffee at work or sits in the middle on a long drive. And maybe they even like it when she says "I love you" out of the blue.
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